Enterprise Holdings

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Enterprise has over 1,529 locations since 2005 by using quality Haworth product solutions with a dedicated team that supports each project from concept through completion.


As Enterprise Holdings continued to grow and expand, it was important to open new locations on an expedited time-frame. New locations not only had to come online quickly but must exhibit a consistent “Brand Image” throughout all locations. Regardless of size or location, the customer experience must be consistently high quality. A consumer has many choices when it comes to renting a car and price can be a major factor.

Therefore it was important for Enterprise Holdings to leverage their purchasing power for furniture, fixtures and equipment. They were searching for one provider that could meet their unique product needs across the nation. In addition, they desired a consistent furniture service level throughout their locations. They wanted a single point of contact to coordinate the many factors in opening and providing on-going support for a retail location.


Business moves quickly at Enterprise Holdings and it is important to have a service provider and manufacturer that can turn around design and space planning solutions fast. Enterprise selected Haworth as their national furniture provider to leverage their purchasing power through a national price agreement. A centralized decision structure and procurement process was established that provided consistency. A national standards program for furniture was established to ensure a consistent “brand image” throughout the Enterprise office network. The program was designed with items that can be manufactured and shipped quickly so that office sites can be set up in a minimal amount of time. Service and delivery expectations were established as Key Performance Indicators. Reports are now routinely issued to measure actual performance against the established KPIs. A single point of contact was designated along with an account team that handles work requests and projects from conception through completion. Satisfaction surveys capture end user satisfaction levels with the entire furniture procurement and delivery process.